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Interview Ozstrik3r de Imaginary Gaming

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Page 2: English version
Hi Oztrik3r. You are an emblematic and charismatic 1.6 French player. You played with almost every best French players such as SIXER, mahE, falco, bisou, scarium and many others... You also played under the colours of prestigious organisations on 1.6, like Webone, Millenium or aAa. Why switching to Global Offensive ? And why have you chose to play with Source players ?

My switch to cs:go was not planned, but shox's offer motivated me, because on 1.6 France was not a great country and we could not compete at the world top level. Choosing source players would allow me to directly be amongst the best even though today, 1.6 teams such as ESC, Na'Vi, fnatic and mousesports are arriving, as I expected it.

You have been France champion, you took part in ESWC and numerous international events on 1.6 : what are your favourite souvenirs of this career ? Which player impressed you the most on this game ?

The most memorable tournament to me would be CPL Dallas, because additionally to the good result we made, organization was at it's best. It's thanks to this tournament that aAa issued ice-creams with our heads on the packaging in all Casino supermarkets. There was also the 2006 world cup against 3D. We were playing on stage, and there were so many spectators that it was really an insane feeling to defeat them. The most memorable player to me is Forest, because being the best is great, but being the best during 6 years is almost impossible.


Oztriker lors de l'ESWC 2012
Ozstrik3r leading (Crédit :

What about CS:GO ? After these few months of playing, who are the players/teams that impress you the most ?

GeT_RiGhT is definitively insane... he switched so easily by dominating source players, we clearly were not ahead of 1.6 players. Then, the best surprise is Scream and shox (I know they are my team mates, but...). Regarding teams, NiP is obviously there, but ESC really impressed me... not by they playing level that became excellent, but by how fast they improved.

You know a lot of 1.6 players, tell me : how do you they see the rise of the game, with all these international events before the end of 2012 ? Will some of them step into the adventure ?

Yes, I think that a lot of 1.6 players will come back, and they are already coming back. You don't see them, but there are some very unlikely comebacks such as Xciter, mayers, or latOr. Even though Cspromod made a good impression, Valve presence and reactivity to players feedbacks is an important factor.

I think you are 34 now, and with your work, you are frequently on the road and sleeping into hotels. To be honest, I am in the same situation, and I think some readers also are. How do you organize your planning ? How many hours are you able to play ? Is this a disadvantage for your team ?

I have the executive status, so I organize my planning as I wish. I just have a number of visits to respect, but I manage to be with my team mates for praccs. Unfortunately, it gets more difficult to find time for my personal training, and this is clearly where I disadvantage my team. I have to impose on myself a daily 45 minutes deathmatch seance.

I don't know if you noticed, but Lurppis, who is a foreing 1.6 players with 69N-28E (i.e) and is now editor for, as well as markeloff (Na`Vi), and xizt (NiP) have not been kind to you on Twitter about your performance at SLTV. Have you answere to him ? How do you take these remarks into account ? Do you plan to, as they recommend (vacantly), to retire ?

Yes, I have been told about that, but honestly I deserve it. I have not been good, so they can tell whatever they want, it does not affect me. What matters to me is to keep the trust of my team mates. Then, I realise how lucky I am to play in such big teams, but they have to understand that I have a family, an apartment, pets, a work, and if I have my players trust, it's because for now I am useful to them.

La bonne humeur légendaire d'Oztriker
 Oztrik3r's legendary good mood at ESWC 2012

Do you know that, on VaKarM, the community is divided about your case ? To reassure you, you often get more support than critism. What do you have to say to your detractors and to those who support you ?

You know that at the end of my 1.6 career, I had a good skill because I played with experienced players and I was only focusing about the game, which is clearly easier. Today, I play with very good players, but I have to teach them my vision of the game and they accepted the difference between a game like VeryGames' one and a 1.6 one mainly based on classic strategies. Today, we are recruiting Mshz to help me focus more on my crosshair than on strategies while playing. During this last event (SLTV), I took a look at my records and I was not playing calmly, I will not be a little more individualistic.

I followed you on 1.6, and even though you were not a skill monster like mahE or Yorlin, you always were here to make the important kills at the right moment. What do you lack on CS:GO to retrieve your level ? Do you think you can do it ?

As I told you in the previous question, once my players will all have understand how to play a classic strategy (and its communication) I will be able to really focus to my game. Believe me, when you see your team not doing what you practiced with them, you stop thinking about you and try to know how to get them back into the game. This is when it becomes hard to manage. But we will manage to do it, and I will to what it takes.

And lastly, the technical and bonus questions. The technical question is about your leading style : how would you describe it ? You could maybe describe us a typical round as you live it ?

Most of the time, I lead using classic strategies so I expect a lot of informations from my mates as I am not everywhere. On nuke, T-side as an example, if my mates that are outside tell me "CT are defending outside", I instantly launch an inside rush without any stuff, in order to be quick. On D2, T-side, if I get told the CTs are long, I call a 3-2 B rush (because A backup will be slower), or 1 guy rushes short and the others take the long with stuff (because to win a round you have to kill every opponents). Then I call 20 times the same strat if it works, and when it gets blocked by the other team, I fake it instantly.

Bonus question : one year ago, during an interview you did with our Esportsfrance colleagues, you told them you wanted to be a coach, mainly because of your skill. How did it went out ? Was the call of the mouse too strong to continue ?

I really appreciated this experience but it is really frustrating because when you are outside the game, you see easily what should be done... I coached the Millenium Ladies various times and I coached 1 day only (because of my work), the Millenium team with harts, sixer, jer, etc... We defeated Sk in the groupstage, so I told myself it was time to leave, and and here's the catch :p The following day, they lost against the top 2 Polish team. You feel really useful in this situation, especially when the players reproaches you for leaving. I will come back to being a coach, for sure, as soon as my players are ready and I think I will be able to make something big with them.

Thanks for all these answers and for your good mood !
Thanks to you, and thanks again to those who supported me even though I am used to criticism. Having support motivates me to train even more to prove them right !!! Thanks to VaKarM because I really feel like I am getting a support from your website, @+ guys !

You can also read our previous interviews of NiP|Fifflaren (English), VG|NiaK (French), VG|Ex6TenZ (English) or n!faculty.Sephi (English).  In a totally different style, you can listen to the surprise interview of Sébastien "KrL" Perez (French) about his homecoming to France.

Thanks to Sickness for the translation.

Page 2: English version
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