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LDLC : Construction d'une équipe inédite

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Page 2: English version

Ten days ago, G2 Esports announced the recruitment of Alexandre “bodyy” Pianaro from Team LDLC White in order to bounce back from their failure of the last Major. This information isn’t this surprising considering bodyy’s capacities and the lack of potential French recruit. However, Kévin “Ex6TenZ” Droolans’ departure came out as quite a big surprise and moved both the French and the international CS:GO community.

For more than eight years, Ex6TenZ has always been a true pillar of the French scene. His first brilliant appearances in team Epsilon with players that are still active, such as RpK or EMSTQD (ed : now nicknamed Happy), are still seared in the memories. x6x6 has always brought his teammates to success, from redline to VeryGames, and eventually to Titan, which proved to be a turning point in his career.

Upon arrival in the Singaporean organization, and despite being respected by most people, he slowly started to lose the leader image he absolutely needed to guide the francophones to the roof of the world. His status of untouchable player has been ruined by intern management issues, choices, or lack of choices, a widely criticized skill and very disappointing results for a team that was considered as the second best team in the world since the release of CS:GO. Therefore, Ex6TenZ lost his team, his mates, and his ambition… but it didn’t last long.

A few days ago, LDLC discharged its two teams. The White players were still looking for someone to replace Thimothée “DEVIL” Demolon, and were shocked by bodyy’s departure. Regarding the Blue players, they were on the decline with stagnant results for a few months. One of the greatest playerless French structure, and the most charismatic teamless leader of the scene had to be united. Here is the inside story of the creation of a new formation built from scratch by one of the most admired mastermind of our favorite game.

Maniac was contacted...

The adventure starts a little earlier with the former LDLC White members. After DEVIL’s departure for EnVyUs, they were searching for someone to help them move forward. They quickly chose Mathieu “Maniac” Quiquerez who became the coach if EnVyUs after being dismissed from Titan last September. The aim was to give him the full control of this very talented team that had a big lack of experience. But, while already motivated to restart to play on his side, Maniac announced to EnVyUs his wish to be released, two events changed everything.

First of all, bodyy left and joined G2, leaving another empty spot in the formation, which as a consequence had to find a new player while Maniac had almost already joined them. This departure was actually negotiated by the two organizations, even though LDLC players had no idea of what was going on while the whole French community slowly started to spread the news. It’s only later on that week that their structure finally deigned to brief them about the evolution of the situation while they had already heard everything from external sources. A questionable way of managing for such a large organization.

...then left aside.

The second event is Ex6TenZ’s kick, leaving him available on the market. LDLC jumped at this chance to give him instead of Maniac the full power, cancelling at the same time the project with the former LDLC White players. However, in the meantime, the Swiss player had already informed EnVyUs about his willingness to resume his playing career. Even if it’s not directly related to this situation, this misunderstanding left a few people hanging.

Not gonna happen

Ex6TenZ, who has carte blanche to build his team with whoever he wants, creates his subtop dream team including two players from LDLC White : Matthieu “matHEND” Roquigny and Antoine “to1nou” Pirard, one player from LDLC Blue : Charbel “BouLy” Naoum and finally Alex “ALEX” McMeekin, the unexpected player from Platinium.

Maniac is not in the list and ends up with no job, while he left EnVyUs to resume his playing career. According to our sources, the Belgian leader didn’t want him to join the team considering the chaotic ending they endured in Titan, but also for tactical reasons, wishing to play without co-leader. The other big loser is obviously Simon “Fuks” Florysiak who had to leave the teammates he plays with for over 2 years.

Platinium regrets the departure of a valuable player, which implies numerous changes, starting with loWkii’s departure.

The new LDLC lineup will be :

Contacted by ourselves, the protagonists didn't want, for the moment, to speak publicly.
In case of future statements, this article will be updated.

Thanks to StonzLaSardine and Sephi for translation

Page 2: English version
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