

Actualité de la scène


Concours Steelseries #3 - Résultats mapping

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We launched three weeks ago a mapping contest in partnership with Steelseries. The aim was to create an aim or awp map, and t first sight, we can see how much effort the contestants have put into creating these beautiful maps.

With a total of 8 maps, there are 7 aim maps and one awp map. The VaKarM staff met together on monday to play on all maps online, in order to evaluate the gameplay of each one. Then, each voter designed his top 5 and the points were assigned this way : 5 points for a top 1, 4 points for a top 2, etc...

The three winning maps are, in order :

aim_shootout by SotaPoika - Download the map
SteelSeries Kit (keyboard, mouse, mouse pad, headset) - SotaPoika can choose the models


awp_farewell by Benoît "Bendix8" Dereau - Download the map
Siberia v2 (can choose color/model), Kana CS:GO Edition, QcK+ CS:GO Edition


aim_warehouse by wenceslas - Download the map
Kana CS:GO Edition, QcK+ CS:GO Edition

You can also consult details about the vote in this file. The others maps, in order of ranking are the following :

aim_areda by nicoreda

aim_bridge by otekOZURUS

aim_station by Charles_K

aim_avianation by a:vianation

aim_obak_dust by akimoto

Download the complete
map pack

Test all maps on the VaKarM
server of Crystal-Serv :


Note that some maps will probably be used in ESL ladders. Congratulations to all the map makers and thanks to Steelseries for its support.

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