

Actualité de la scène


Concours Steelseries #2 et #3 - Moviemaking et mapping

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After the wallpaper contest which will unveil its winners today in early evening, we are now announcing the next two contests. These contests are running simultaneously during the 20 days to come. You will also have to be creative, as is concerns moviemaking and mapping.

Moviemaking had a great period on Source and starts to show up on CS:GO. Our home-grown MsTsN proves it by trying to release a new fragshow per week. If you already have some moviemaking skills or if you wish to get into it, this contest comes right in time ! Moreover, the prizes provided by Steelseries will motivate you.

About CS:GO demos, we will give you some track to follow at the end of the news, but don't hesitate to ask on our forum, on IRC, or to ask footage of the lans covered by VaKarM to You should know that the point is not to make an edit of cheated or staged actions. We will be really strict with this.

Moviemaking :

- CS:Source and/or CS:Global Offensive
- VaKarM introduction mandatory (link)
- Steelseries introduction mandatory (link)
- 1:30 minimum
- Hosted on YouTube as a public video, with contest link in description

- from 22 october to 11 november evening, send by mail at
- 12 november choice of the winners by the VaKarM staff members
- 12 november announcement of the winners and publication of their videos

SteelSeries Kit (keyboard, mouse, mouse pad, headset) winners can choose the models
Siberia v2 (color/model can be chosen by the winner) + mouse + mouse pad
Kana CS:GO Edition, QcK+ CS:GO Edition

The second contest for the two following weeks consists in creating Counter-Strike:Global Offensive map. We think that within this period, you will have the necessary amount of time to create nice small aim or awp maps ; at least, we hope you will. The map type is imposed (face to face maps, such as aim_ or awp_) but the environment is free. Your creations will be judged upon its gameplay, graphic design and originality.

Mapping :

- Counter-Strike:Global Offensive
- Map type : aim_ or awp_
- Kind of environment : free, but be sure that your map is enjoyable to play (thick fog, lighting,...)
- Custom content : allowed, no size limitation, but stay reasonable (< 100 Mo)
- Steelseries and VaKarM logos are mandatory (here and here or here and there)

- from 22 october to 11 november evening, send by mail at
- 12 november choice of the winners by the VaKarM staff members
- 12 november announcement of the winners and publication of their maps

SteelSeries Kit (keyboard, mouse, mouse pad, headset) winners can choose the models
Siberia v2 (color/model can be chosen by the winner) + mouse + mouse pad
Kana CS:GO Edition, QcK+ CS:GO Edition

If you need help or if you have any questions about moviemaking or about the creation of your map, don't hesitate to create a topic on the appropriate sections of the forum. It should be noted that we are likely to ask you to do some corrections on your work before the results announcement.


VaKarM Forum

Moviemaking links : - EMS QR1 - EMS QR2 - Vanilla

Mapping links : Source Engine mapping tutorial - Textures library

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