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kennyS revient sur son kick de VeryGames

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Page 2: English version

Only two days after the announcement of Richard "shox" Papillon replacing Kenny "kennyS" Schrub in VeryGames, the latter accepted to tell us how he feels about this sitaution. In this interview, he talks about this separation, what did not worked with VeryGames, about the future of Ex6TenZ men and about his own future.

Hello Kenny, thank you for giving us this interview. Before we start, can you tell us how you feel today, and how did you take this news ?

Hello everyone, I could be better. Even though I sensed it, it was like being slapped in the face, it is morally hard. It will take time for me to swallow the pill. Today, I mostly feel a lot of bitterness.

When and how did you heard about this decision ? Was it a surprise for you ?

I heard a bout this decision only one day before shox got officially integrated into the team. If I was surprised ? Yes and no. I was expecting them to take this decision, to be honest, I was prepared to this idea. The only surprise for me was being told so lately.

Do you regret anything from the time you spent with VeryGames ?

Yes of course, if it wasn't the case I probably still would be playing for VeryGames. Unfortunately, I received some criticisms, not always justified but most of them were. I was not mature enough to work on my lacks and to question myself. This is a failure for me.

In his statement, Djo says about you that "the switch on Global Offensive did not helped him to fill the gap separating him from the more experienced players". Do you agree with this ?

Of course, I don't think my switch on Global Offensive went perfectly well, I can do way better. I don't know what to say about that, I probably did not made the needed efforts to fill this gap.

First lan and first victory with VeryGames

Do you understand their decision to replace you with shox ?

If a change had to be done in Verygames, he was the man for the job. He is an important player in a team, very complete. His vision of the game, his communication, his experience and his skill will be major assets. He already player with the other players more or less time, but unfortunately he is replacing me. I am really glad not to mix with shox, at least humanly. His reputation is totally justified and it's a shame that the passion for winning of some Team VeryGames players prevailed over their principles.

What do you think when you see the NiP players going on vacations together ?

It is true that NiP seems to have a good atmosphere and the fact that they constantly win probably helps. I think a team should be composer of people who like each other and don't have only the game in common. I really appreciated my time with Team-VeryGames but it's a shame that, in the end, we were only together for praccs and official games.

We talked a little when you heard about this decision, and you didn't think that the community would stand on your side. Today, how do you perceive the astounding support of the French and international communities ?

It's true, I was pleasantly surprised. To be honest, during my short career I did not always did what it takes to be liked by the community. Be aware that I read all your supportive messages on Facebook and on the various news websites. I'd like to give you a sincere thanks for the comfort it gave me.

SmithZz will be the new sniper of the team, how do you think he will manage this ? Do you think he his late compared to other players as he mostly plays riffle on CS:GO ?

I think he will only need a short amount of time to adapt, he is a confirmed and complete player. It should not be forgotten that he was one, if not the best, sniper on CS:S.

We know that there used to be some disagreements between shox and some VG players. Do you think it will work ?

I hope it will. To be honest, I don't know. I think shox knows what VG reproaches him for, and he will probably make efforts, but as it's said "a leopard can't change its spots".

Let's focus on you now. Do you plan on joining another team right away, or do you want to take a break ?

As I said it before, I got slapped and my motivation and it was a blow to my motivation. I received some offers and I could bounce back quickly. I have to think about my future, but at the moment, I have not taken any decision. I will sort this out in the weeks to come.

We have seen shox playing with TCM, and it was working quite well. Are you interested in playing on an international team ?

I received some offers, and this is an exciting challenge but unfortunately, you all know about my english level :D. Maybe later, when my linguistic level will be better :D

Thank you Kenny for your time despite the circumstances, we wish you good luck and the last words are for you.

First of all, thank you to VaKarM. Once again, I want to thank everybody who supports me and trust me. I don't forget VeryGames which helps in the team good functioning. It allowed me to gather great souvenirs in one year of playing ! I also thank all the people I rubbed shoulders with during this year.

Thanks to Dorian for the help and to Sickness for the translation.

Page 2: English version
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