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ScreaM : "Surpris par le relâchement de certains joueurs"

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Page 2: English version

Besides the creation of the superteam with G2 Esports, last month, there was another exciting case in the French scene. Indeed, despite his multiple appearances with the Boys in Blue, the signature of Adil "ScreaM" Benrlitom took a while to be officialized. Almost a month after he joined EnVyUs, we had the opportunity to interview the headshot machine to come back with us on what happened to him the past few months.

Hi Adil ! The last few weeks have been a bit complicated for you, with the shuffle and the rumours about you and your career. Before talking about your current situation with EnVyUs, I’d like to hear a bit about the end of your adventure with G2 Esports : how were you feeling all this time, playing at the Major while knowing everything was going to change ?

Actually, it’s been a strange period for me, a bit dark. I wasn’t expecting this announcement, especially after we qualified for the Major against Immortals. The team wasn’t in top form, but well, I think the players had a part of responsibility in it. When you really want a team to work, you do everything for this purpose, you don’t just give up easily. I was surprised by the way some players quickly surrendered. When there’s a problem within the team, we have to talk about it and go on, like adults. I think we had everything to win, but the most important is to remain united, and have a flawless mindset and motivation in order to get back on our feet again and again. It’s a shame that France has everything but that. I really wanted to leave with a good result during the Major, for our last LAN together. That would’ve been a great way to end it. But I’m a rather emotional player and knowing that I was going to be set aside unconsciously resulted in a disappointing last game.

Like in 2014, you’ve been removed from the "good team" during this shuffle. To justify this decision, shox and NBK said in a recent interview that it was a matter of role. Could you talk about this "role"of yours, knowing that xms announced he was going the be the entry fragger within EnVyUs ?

I guess I wasn’t fit for the role they were looking for in their team. I think a player’s role is important, and when you use it correctly, the player will be able to shine and remain on top form. I’m not an entry fragger, but every map/area is different, and there are areas where I’m almost sure to get a kill so sometimes I’ll do the entry. But usually I’ll be the one following the entry fragger and getting the revenge, then trying to end the round (clutch), that’s one of my favorite situation. It’s a long-term work, and I think that nowadays, players and roles are not used to their full potential. My goal now is to change this and make my team use me correctly.

Together with FaZe Clan, mousesports also seems to have made an interesting offer. Did you receive other offers apart from these two ?

I’ve had a few offers from NA too, but I wasn’t really interested in any of them. After doing some praccs with FaZe, I realized I wasn’t at ease with English, I wasn’t used to it anymore, and automatisms, etc… were coming too slowly into my mind. That’s why France was the logical choice for me.

So now you’re finally part of the Boys in Blue family, after many weeks full of twists and turns. What made you choose EnVyUs towards the end? Was it because you wanted to play in a French/French-speaking team no matter what ?

I really wanted to play with Cédric again, he’s a really cool guy and I think he’s still got a lot to show. The other important point was Happy. He’s had a horrible year with EnVyUs. If we work hard together, I think we could accomplish great things. And of course the management, the language, and a lot of other things were taken into account for my final choice.

"I really wanted to play with Cédric again, he’s a really cool guy
and I think he’s still got a lot to show.

You made a couple of appearances with EnVyUs during the ESL Pro League, and during the IEM Katowice’s qualifier, but at that time you still hadn’t signed any contract. It finally happened on Tuesday, 21th of February. What was blocking the official announcement until now ? Why did it take so much time ?

I just didn’t want to hurry things. I wanted to wait for different offers, think about each of them, then make my decision.

Since your first games with EnVyUs, you seem to be quite on good form, with the outstanding performance you made against G2 Esport two weeks ago. What’s changed in your gameplay? Could the fact that Happy’s lead gives you more freedom than shox allow you to be more decisive ?

I was already pretty free within G2 Esports, so I don’t think that Happy’s lead gives me more freedom. I guess I really wanted to win at that time.

Within EnVyUs, you’re going to play with xms, one of the young talents of the French scene that used to play with LDLC under Ex6TenZ’ lead. You’ve been doing several LANs in France, particularly in northern France, so had you already noticed him before ? Have you also noticed one or two other young players that could make a breakthrough in the following months ?

Actually, I didn’t know much about xms before, but I’m pleasantly surprised by his level. He’s full of talent, I can’t wait to see him improve !

"I didn’t know much about xms before, but I’m pleasantly surprised by his level."

To "celebrate" your newly signed contract in London, the team gathered in the HyperX office to start your first bootcamp. However, we’ve seen that the former EnVyUs lineup wasn’t really fond of this training method. Why did you choose to do it again ? In your opinion, is it something necessary in order to build a new play style with new teammates ?

It was more like a "first meeting" together, in order to unite the team, have fun as a group, but also to train and start building our play. I really enjoyed this bootcamp by the way, HyperX did a great job !

During this week you met maLeK, with whom you used to play in 2012 with Tt.Dragons. But this time, he’ll be behind you during the games as he’s now your coach. Knowing he just recently came back on the game, could you talk a bit about what he brings to the team, in-game and outside ?

It’s pretty recent, but I’m sure he will bring his experience and intelligence into our game. We’re already feeling his effectiveness at times, only a few words from him can change a whole team. We almost hired him as a coach when I was with G2 Esports, so I’m glad to have him here. I can’t wait to see how it’ll turn out in the future.

Thank you for giving us a bit of your time for this interview, and we wish you and your team the best after your bootcamp week in London. As usual, the last word is for you.

To my French-speaking fans… we’ve had a pretty dark year in France, right ? But I promise I’ll do my best to make EnVyUs a team worthy of representing France on the international scene ! I also want to thank you for all your support, I don’t usually read your comments, etc… I know, I’m not really sociable. I’ll make some streams in French from time to time, so don’t hesitate to come and say hi ! See you !

Translation by Miles

Page 2: English version
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