

Actualité de la scène


Retour sur la DH avec Titan & LDLC

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Page 4: English version, part two

Première partieDeuxième partie
Part one - Part two

- Questions Titan -

As mentioned before, Sweden is the country where CS is king, how do you feel about it after kicking out of the tournament NiP and fnatic?

apEXIt is true that we arrived in this tournament as outsiders. With four little weeks of training together, full of official games, it was hard to be ready for this event. We managed to reproduce our liberated gamestyle while staying structured and solid on the basis, a promising performance for the future. Regarding the feeling, it’s true that beating the two big swedish teams on their ground is clearly pleasing! I personally never won against these teams offline, it was unexpected that it happens this fast.

We could observe a good use of your two snipers during your game against fnatic. It seems to be very efficient if your awpers are in a good day. On the other way, don’t you think this solution could become a problem if they are in a bad day?

kennySIndeed, against Fnatic it was pretty efficient thanks to KQLY and myself and the gamestyle of our opponents. They adopted a quite fast game which allowed us to easily get the first picks. I think we have enough experience to realize that we have to play differently to adapt our opponent’s style. Against some teams, it’s sometimes better to play five riffles or only one awp. We have enough ability with riffles to adapt without too much efforts, it’s not a problem for now.

After losing against LDLC during the group stage, did you doubt? How are you handling BO1s now considering that, in the past, it was complicated for you?

NiaKBeginning a tournament is never easy and the GSL format in BO1 doesn’t help. Our double fail in Katowice and Cologne shows that we didn’t approach it in the best way. For this tournament, beginning with a match against a team such as LDLC was not easy and I felt much tension during the match. This has an impact on our concentration, which undeniably penalizes us. We realized that during the following evening and we avoided being so tense during the finals. We will work to get into the game better during the upcoming tournaments to not be disappointed again.

You won the final against your french fellows. What did you change ? Why did you decide to play mirage again ? Did you "counterstrat" them ?

Ex6TenZWe played pretty bad on the first game, just like them actually I think. The pressure of groupstages, first game of the tournament, everything was untidy… Once in final, mirage was the only map where I was almost certain we were better. Furthermore, that’s a profitable situation, when your opponent defeat you on a map, they don’t change anything, which makes it easier for us to adapt ourselves.

Are you confident about the ESWC? Do you already know what’s left for you to work on?

ManiacIt’s hard to tell. Our good performance at DH Stockholm proved us that we were able to find solutions intuitively with positive stat of mind and mentality. Now, we are still behind in the game compared to other teams and we’ll be way more expected than in Stockholm. We will work two maps currently lacking and we will have quite a complete base. The level of the moment will make the difference. We could get eliminated very fast the same way we could perform very well.


How is the atmosphere inside your team? Do you think you made the right choices? The right men at the right positions?

NBK: The ambience is great! We found a balance between the game, in which we have to be efficient, and life as a team when we all have fun together. I absolutely don’t regret my decision or its consequences. We are still searching for ourselves, to avoid flooding vocal communication in-game so only vital information is given. We all have a very strong calling potential and we have to find a balance between all of these personalities in-game. Work will make a difference and we are all ready to involve hearts and souls!

KQLYThe atmosphere is good even if we have some upsides and downsides when we play a lot of official matches. We work hard at finding solutions. I think that yes, I have made the right choice by joining Titan and I see a great potential in this team. We are far from our best level and I think that we still need some time.

What are your goals in the short, medium and long term?

shox: In the short term, we need to be stricter on emerging problems and fix them as fast as possible before they become a habit. In the medium term, it’s clear that our tactical game has to be improved and we need to explore new horizon on the new maps. In the long term, to become the best and win the most events possible.

NiaK: We are qualified for the next StarSeries and ESEA finals, still on the race for FACEIT and fragbite, and all of them are great competitions. Nevertheless, our two primary objectives for the end of the year are DH winter and, of course, ESWC at home in front of our supporters. If we have to make concessions in our training, we will in order to make the best impression in those prestigious tournaments

During the final opposing your teams, several technical issues disturbed the game (one hour break, little improvised party), did it impact the match? We also noticed that you were close during this timeout dispite the recent changes, did you stay "good friends"?

SmithZz: Of course, those issues didn’t helped us, but in general, Titan deserve the win, they were better than us this time. I will always have high esteem for ex6 and KennyS, they are friends, and I’m glad for them that they are back on the path to victory.

kennyS: It’s always complicated to be stopped in the middle of a match and to have such long breaks. Even if we do our best to stay focused, we feel tired pretty quickly, especially in late evening. The effect of a break can change the course of a match. Although we had the lead on the scoreboard, and I think that was less frustrating for us than it was for LDLC. We keep friendly relations but we are still rivals in those moments.

Will Titan manage to return to a long term success?

Before we let you go, what do you think about that rivalry between you and Titan? And more generally, what do you think about the French scene? Do you think that other team like Epsilon or even Platinium can achieve an international level?

Happy: Once more, personally, I don’t feel rivalry, I consider a team by its results, good or bad. But I know that in my team some players need to prove some things, and it’s fuel for them. The French scene is doing extremely well currently. I think that EPSILON, Titan and we, are all able to win international titles. Even if EPSILON needs to go to LAN to overcome that cape. Regarding Platinium, I have no idea, as I said, I look at teams results and I didn’t see any official game from Platinium yet.

apEXIt’s true that there is a rivalry since we used to play together. Before with the former versions of LDLC and Titan, a true war was declared in the game. We have respect for our opponents but the desire to win and to be the best team takes over during tournaments.

The French scene, is for me, one of the two best scene in the world along with Sweden. Just by looking at the next Starseries finals we can be proud of our scene. EPSILON has a nice line-up, with great personalities like fxyO and ScreaM, clever players like pm or GMX and of course the best mate a team can have : Uzziii. It’s a promising team which will have a lot of work to do to be at a top level but I believe in them, they are able to. Regarding Platinium, I don’t know, it’s not a bad team but in order to tackle the top European teams, it will require a lot of work

To conclude we let you say the final words:

shox: Last time, I commented on the lack of information from top teams and I hope that these answers will satisfy you, and give a true sight on our team as well. Thanks to LDLC and CM Storm for their support, Manu (MoMaN) who is helping us a lot on a human level, and to all the people supporting us!

NiaK: Thank you for the interview. I would like to thank all those who never stopped supporting us. We did a great performance at Stockholm, but the road to the next victory can be long and difficult. We still have a lot of work... The only thing we can promise you is that we won't give up. See you at StarSeries finals next week!

Thanks to Titan and LDLC for their responses to our questions.

Translation by : SicknesS - Sephi - Jus - Marcadet - aKNN
Thanks : neL

Page 4: English version, part two
Il aurait fallu faire un parallèle opinions joueurs / article .
Parce qu'avoir juste le point de vue des joueurs c'est pas assez .
"Les Titan renoueront-ils sur long terme avec le succès ?"

Deuxième partie :)
"Pensez-vous que d'autres équipes comme Epsilon ou même Platinium puissent à terme atteindre un niveau international ?" just killed Epsilon with knife (+1500$)
j'avoue cest un peu abusé EPSILON à le niveau inter quand même

peut-être pas top 8 mais top 12 clairement
En réponse à BoboonK #5 - Répondre à ce commentaire
0 point(s)
entre top 12 et top internatiol (top 4/5 quoi) ya une marge hein. Genre atm tu vois epsilon top 4 d'un major ?
En réponse à vouloux #8 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)
la question parle de 'niveau international' ,pas de top 4 ou top 12.

Clairement epsilon a le niveau inter ,la preuve ils sont dans le carré finale de starladder
En réponse à neL #9 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)
C'est normal et mérité, EPSILON c'est, imho, vraiment pas une équipe qui peut prétendre à une place dans le TOP inter.
Perso j'vois l'équipe comme une occasion pour fyx0 de se dévoiler un peu plus, pour scream de rejouer comme il le faisait dans le passé et peut être pour un autre des joueurs de s'élever à un niveau différent (je dis pas que c'est des "noobs" hein mais clairement le niveau top inter pour certain des joueurs j'le vois pas du tout , surtout pm).
En réponse à BoboonK #5 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)
#6 FUN
Ce membre est banni définitivement09/10/2014 à 22:01:04
Dixar the best ! Gros sujet, mais je t'ai brain l'ami ;)
"Nous gardons tous un très bon souvenir de ce séjour."

Je pense que les évent futur de cette ampleur (MLG?,DH,ESLOne,ect...) seront de plus en plus génial en terme de spectacle, Mais aussi en terme d'organisation. Que du bon pour l'avenir de l'E-sport, les joueurs ne critique "presque" plus les organisation des tournois majeurs et ça c'est cool :D
c'est quoi le problème des écrans qui avantageraient les sniper ?
J'avoue que j'aimerai bien savoir aussi, ce problème était déjà ressortie pendant la Ginfinity.
En réponse à PicasSO. #12 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)
Faudrais faire une itw vocal avec un joueur de chaque équipe ( je sais pas si sa à déjà été fait si oui need le vod ^^ )
Nope désolé, on a fait tout ça par écrit. :) Mais je pense qu'il y aurait sûrement une itw vidéo à l'ESWC ;)
En réponse à tONTONNNNN #13 - Répondre à ce commentaire
0 point(s)
Idem, j'aimerais bien savoir "ce problème" d'écran, avez vous les références ?
+1 !
En réponse à crimzer #17 - Répondre à ce commentaire
0 point(s)
News comme ça avec 18 commentaires. Tout le monde s'en bats les couilles jcrois xD
En fait je me suis arreté là "Nous arrivions avec une préparation très limitée"
En réponse à merej #19 - Répondre à ce commentaire
1 point(s)

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