

Actualité de la scène


Stream depuis Steam - 7 messages, 2562 vues
1er message
Par Creyh - 03/12/2014 08:47:44 - Modifié le 04/12/2014 08:24:10
Je ne sais pas si vous avez vu, mais ça a l'air carrément cool, on peut Stream directement depuis Steam sans passer par une autre plateforme :D

A voir comment ils vont monétiser tout ça

Source :


Full Official Steam Broadcast FAQ:

How do I try out Steam Broadcasting?

To try out Broadcasting now, both you and your friends need to opt into the Steam Client Beta. In the Steam Client main menu, select Settings > Account and change your "Beta Participation" to "Steam Beta Update". Then follow the steps below to watch a friend's game.

How do I watch a friend's game?

From the Friend's List - From the drop down next to a friend's name, select "Watch Game".
From a friend's profile - Below the "Currently In Game" text, select "Watch Game".

Who can watch my games? The first time a friend requests to watch your game you'll be presented with the broadcast privacy settings. To make a change at any time, access the Steam Client's Settings panel and select the Broadcast tab to view your privacy settings.

Available settings:

Only friends I invite can watch my games
Friends can request to watch my games (default)
Friends can watch my games
Anyone can watch my games (public broadcast, can be found in the game hub)
What are the account requirements for broadcasting?

Accounts that meet the following requirements are able to broadcast games: Have made a purchase on Steam and are therefore non-limited accounts Are not currently Community Banned

What are the browser requirements for watching?

Steam Broadcasting is currently supported by the latest versions of the following browsers: * Steam Client * Google Chrome * Apple Safari

What operating systems can I broadcast from?

Steam Broadcasting is currently supported through the Steam Client on Windows 7 and Windows 8. Support for Linux, OSX and Windows Vista will supported in the future.

Where can I change my settings/privacy?

To make a change to your Broadcast settings, access the Steam Client's Settings panel and select the Broadcast tab.

Whose games can I watch?

You can request to watch friends' games, or simply start watching if they have allowed for that. You can also find public broadcasts from the Broadcasts tab on the Community Home page or on any game hub.

Will people watching my game also see my desktop?

Only the game is visible by default, but "Broadcast my desktop when not in game" is an available option in the Settings > Broadcast tab.

What kind of content is restricted?

As a Steam subscriber you agree to abide by the following conduct rules. You will not: Upload, or otherwise make available, files that contain images, photographs, software or other material protected by intellectual property laws, including, by way of example, and not as limitation, copyright or trademark laws (or by rights of privacy or publicity) unless you own or control the rights thereto or have received all necessary consents to do the same. Use any material or information, including images or photographs, via Steam in any manner that infringes any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other proprietary right of any party.

You agree that you will be personally responsible for the use of your Account and for all of the communication and activity on Steam that results from use of your Account. Your online conduct and interaction with other Subscribers should be guided by common sense and basic etiquette. Broadcasts and chats should not include: * Porn, inappropriate or offensive content, warez or leaked content or anything else not safe for work * Discussions of piracy, cheating, hacking, game exploits * Threats of violence or harassment, even as a joke * Copyrighted material * Soliciting, begging, auctioning, raffling, selling, advertising, referrals * Racism or discrimination and abusive language

How do I report a broadcast?

From the broadcast window/page, select "Report Broadcast".

How do I start a broadcast?

You don't need to. If your settings allow your game to be watched, then you start broadcasting when someone starts watching. If you select "Anyone can watch my game" as your broadcast privacy setting then your broadcast is visible in that Game Hub.

How do I end a broadcast?

Exiting your game will end your broadcast. Alternatively, at any time you can press "Stop" from the Broadcast panel in the Steam Overlay.

How can I get my broadcast to show up in a Game Hub?

If you select "Anyone can watch my game" as your broadcast privacy setting then your broadcast will be visible in that Game Hub.

How can I see who is watching my game?

You'll receive a toast when a friend either requests to watch or starts watching your game. At any time you can see a list of viewers from the Steam overlay broadcast box, or if you're watching your own broadcast, from the top of the chat.

Can I save my broadcast?

No, broadcasts are currently live only.

How can I share my broadcast?

You can invite friends to watch your game by selecting "Invite to Watch" from the drop down next to their name in the Friend' List.

Why am I getting the message "Broadcast unavailable?" During the Beta period broadcast capabilities are limited on a first-come, first-served basis. There may not have been adequate bandwidth available from the nearest Steam server when you connected. It's also the message you'll see if your friend doesn't respond to your request.

How do I change the bit rate, video dimensions, microphone, and desktop settings?

For advanced Broadcast settings, access the Steam Client's Settings panel and select the Broadcast tab.

Réponse #2
Par nicoreda - 03/12/2014 09:31:15
En gros tu joues et à tout moment selon les options que t'as mis tu peux te montrer en train de jouer. Le truc cool c'est qu'il y a rien à faire, après niveau customisation je sais pas si il y en aura, jpense plus que c'est pour les mecs comme toi et moi qui veulent montrer leurs plus belles parties à leurs amis. Et ça c'est cool !
Réponse #3
Par Creyh - 04/12/2014 08:24:48
Faut voir si ça se fait en Adsl2 !
Réponse #4
Par lechtio - 04/12/2014 10:57:43
Faut voir si ça se fait en Adsl2 !

Vu que tu envois, quoi qu'il arrive il te faudra un très gros adsl+2. Mais vraiment un bon hein ^^
1.6/2M upload mini pour être correct :)

après en terme d'option ect.. je ne me suis pas vraiment penché dessus encore mais si la personnalisation sur les overlay, scène, ... n'est pas présente,
steam vient surement de faire un flop si l'envie de concurrencé les grands du stream été la base
Réponse #5
Par Netrisca - 04/12/2014 11:23:59
Pas assez d'options pour le moment et pas de monetisation pour les gros streamers.
Il veulent faire une sorte de Hub communautaire sur les jeux en direct.
Réponse #6
Par krankz - 04/12/2014 11:50:27 - Modifié le 04/12/2014 11:51:43
Ce que je comprends pas, ça ne consomme pas de ressources CPU ou graphiques, juste des données inet ? Donc si t'as un PC de merde mais une bonne connexion ça peut être une bonne solution ?

En tout cas j'avais installé la beta steam pour l'avoir, mais c'est buggé dès que je vais dans le navigateur internet ingame dans l'overlay, mon jeu crash se met à ramer de fou et ça me mets que le steamwebhelper a cessé de fonctionner après le jeu remarche au bout de 2min, enfin la m***** quoi. Donc je l'ai enlevé.
Réponse #7
Par KurRaGe - 04/12/2014 12:27:07
J'ai tester et effectivement sa pompe quasiment rien en ressource (fps). Par contre niveau connexion faut avoir du lourd. Sinon sa load h24 et ping de porc..

Mais si steam commence a faire des projets la dessus je pense qu'ils vont faire un truc lourd avec de la money au bout pour avoir le monopole partout :D

W8 & SEE
Réponse #8
Par Glycine - 04/12/2014 13:58:09
Nan depend de la résolution à la laquelle tu envoie, pour une petite config faut même pas tester le 1080p. En 720 mon jeu est fluide mais pas le stream, et 480 c'est moche donc inutile.
Et ca vien pas de ma connection, j'ai 55 en down et 10 en up.
Mais j'ai une vielle config. Pour stream c'est du i5, sinon c'est pas super.
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