

Actualité de la scène


ROLLBACK et Latence - 21 messages, 7657 vues
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1er message
Par Pample - 29/03/2017 20:20:21 - Modifié le 29/03/2017 20:22:29

J'ai récemment réinstallé ma machine, j'ai tout réinstallé comme il faut, tout les pilotes sont la et mis à jour, windows aussi et pourtant je lag quand même mais je suis le seul chez moi à qui ça arrive, j'ai vérifié qu'il n'y avait pas de beta activé, mis la bande passante au max etc...

Mais le problème est toujours présent, générant d'énorme lag et rollback quelque soit le serveur (hors ligne exclu).

En passant ma connexion est largement suffisante (mais je suis en wifi et ça passait très bien avant !) voir :

Ma config :
Processeur : Intel Core i7 4790K
Carte mère : Asus Z97-A
Carte graphique : Asus GeForce GTX970 STRIX OC - 4Go
RAM : 16Go DDR3
Disque OS et Jeu : Samsung Serie 840 EVO - 250Go

Copie de la console après une partie : (j'ai enlevé l'inutile genre degats etc... ainsi que les répétition d'un même message à la suite qui varie de 2/3 fois jusqu'à plus de 50 fois)

Ping = 18+0=18 (front+back=total).

Tried to look up command say_team as if it were a variable.

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Discarding inactive session on lhr#1 (XXX.254.196.70:27015). session_inactivity_timeout

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Requesting session from ams#71 (XXX.133.248.35:27049). Ping = 12+14=26 (front+back=total).

Selecting ams#71 (XXX.133.248.35:27049) as backup #1, session 18d3a4e2. Ping = 12+14=26 (front+back=total).

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Requesting session from lhr#1 (XXX.254.196.70:27015). Ping = 12+19=31 (front+back=total).

Tried to look up command say_team as if it were a variable.

Discarding inactive session on lux#112 (XXX.66.154.23:27018). session_inactivity_timeout

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Discarding inactive session on lhr#1 (XXX.254.196.70:27015). session_inactivity_timeout

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

CCSPlayer in solid list (not solid) (2, 0014) models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_phoenix.mdl

Requesting session from lux#112 (XXX.66.154.23:27018). Ping = 18+0=18 (front+back=total).

Selecting lux#112 (XXX.66.154.23:27018) as backup #1, session 32ee06cb. Ping = 18+0=18 (front+back=total).

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Discarding inactive session on ams#71 (XXX.133.248.35:27049). session_inactivity_timeout

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

CCSPlayer in solid list (not solid) (2, 0014) models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_phoenix.mdl

Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Tried to look up command say_team as if it were a variable.

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Requesting session from ams#71 (XXX.133.248.35:27049). Ping = 12+14=26 (front+back=total).

Tried to look up command say_team as if it were a variable.

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

CCSPlayer in solid list (not solid) (2, 0014) models/player/custom_player/legacy/tm_phoenix.mdl

Discarding inactive session on ams#71 (XXX.133.248.35:27049). session_inactivity_timeout

--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Requesting session from ams#71 (XXX.133.248.35:27049). Ping = 12+14=26 (front+back=total).

Telling Steam it is safe to update the app

Received DataRouterToClient from fra#236 (XXX.254.197.226:27034), when we don't think we have a session there. Session established message dropped, or packet arrived after session terminated.

Received Stats from fra#236 (XXX.254.197.226:27034), when we don't think we have a session there. Session established message dropped, or packet arrived after session terminated.

Error getting avatar image: playerID(174062321), iIndex(65535)

Pour les Error getting avatar y en à masse d'autre mais j'ai pas tout mis.

En jeu avec le NET_GRAPH 1 :
300 FPS (ou plus)
20ms (ou moins)
0% Choke
0% Loss

Voila toutes les infos ont été données, je peut rajouter que j'ai fait une vérification du cache du jeu également.

Merci d'avance à toutes les personnes qui essayerons de m'aider =)

PS : Le fait que cet account ne soit pas prime ou relativement nouveau n'a aucune éspèce d'importance et je me passerais s'il vous plais de tout commentaire =)

PS2 : Je n'est pas pris le temps de faire une recherche et je m'en excuse, si un topic existe déjà serais-t-il possible d'avoir un lien ?
Réponse #2
Par Micky-Polak - 29/03/2017 21:07:25
Voila toutes les infos ont été données.

T'as bien créé un cfg avec le réglage des rates ?

Perso j'ai ça dans mon cfg :
cl_updaterate "128"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_interpolate "1"
cl_interp "0"
cl_extrapolate "1"
cl_extrapolate_amount "0.25"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_predict "1"
+ la commande des rates à personnaliser suivant ta connexion : rate "xxxx"

Il doit bien y avoir une commande ou deux qui sont obsolètes, mais teste ça, voir si les rollbacks disparaissent.
Réponse #3
Par Pample - 29/03/2017 21:31:51

Ok merci bien, je teste ça en se moment, je vais lancer une game pour voir mais je train la et ça va pour le moment mais je veux pas m'avancer pour le moment =)

D'autre conseil ou solution sont accepté quand même au cas ou ça ne marche pas =)
Réponse #4
Par RegnaM - 29/03/2017 21:44:20
Dans un 1er temps je dirai qu'il faut tester avec une connexion en cable ethernet avant de toucher au reste.

Il suffit juste qu'un voisin ou une interférence nouvelle et ton wifi peux avoir des soucis.
Réponse #5
Par Pample - 30/03/2017 00:01:47
Alors résultat de la soirée, une grosse amélioration au niveau des rollback etc qui on quasiment disparu, mais j'ai encore des lags (la c'est le wifi faut pas chercher je pense)...

Par contre j'ai encore dans la console le vgui je sais pas trop quoi, j'avais déjà vue un truc la dessus, quelqu'un à une solution ou bien un lien ?
Réponse #6
Par Pample - 30/03/2017 20:09:43 - Modifié le 30/03/2017 23:33:12
Désolé du double-post mais il y à du nouveau et je sais pas si c'est normal :
Loaded default network config file. Loaded revision 100 OK
Loaded cached network config file. Data contains revision 100, not newer than current revision 100; ignoring.
Starting ping measurement
Got network config from CDN. Data contains revision 100, not newer than current revision 100; ignoring.
Telling Steam it is safe to update the app
Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_quest.vtf)
Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_campaign.vtf)
Failed to read the default inventory image file (materials/icons/inventory_icon_campaign.vtf)
Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwg'.
Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pwz'.
Failed to communicate with routing cluster 'pww'.
Communications with routing cluster 'pwz' established.
Ping measurement completed

Voila, sinon pour le Vgui material quelqu'un à une idée ?

Edit :

Les lags sont revenu :

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Requesting session from lhr#18 ( Ping = 13+26=39 (front+back=total).
CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing ''
Tried to look up command say_team as if it were a variable.
Tried to look up command say_team as if it were a variable.
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
ConVarRef voice_chat_bubble_show_volume doesn't point to an existing ConVar
ConVarRef voice_vox_current_peak doesn't point to an existing ConVar
Discarding inactive session on lhr#18 ( session_inactivity_timeout
CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing ''
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Requesting session from ams#3 ( Ping = 13+29=42 (front+back=total).
Requesting session from mad#58 ( Ping = 20+35=55 (front+back=total).
Selecting ams#3 ( as backup #1, session 3fe606c2. Ping = 13+29=42 (front+back=total).
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing ''
Discarding inactive session on vie#171 ( session_inactivity_timeout
Discarding inactive session on mad#58 ( session_inactivity_timeout
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Requesting session from lux#120 ( Ping = 18+15=33 (front+back=total).
Selecting lux#120 ( as backup #1, session 3880ffe3. Ping = 18+15=33 (front+back=total).
CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing ''
Discarding inactive session on ams#3 ( session_inactivity_timeout
CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing ''
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
CColorCorrectionSystem: Missing ''
Réponse #7
Par Pample - 01/04/2017 20:07:31
Désolé du Triple poste pour le coup mais je voudrais UP, j'ai de nouveau de GROS lag IG et des rollback :

Voici donc un extrait de la console depuis le changemenr :

Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
Starting ping measurement
Communications with routing cluster 'tsnt' have been disrupted.
Communications with routing cluster 'tsnt' restored.
Communications with routing cluster 'pwu' restored.
Ping measurement has been active for 5.0s. Sending what we have to GC
atl: 97ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=83ms)
dxb: 139ms via bom (front=110ms, back=29ms)
eat: 151ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=137ms)
gru: 228ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=214ms)
hkg: 202ms via bom (front=110ms, back=92ms)
iad: 85ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=71ms)
lax: 141ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=127ms)
lux: 19ms via fra (front=16ms, back=3ms)
maa: 134ms via bom (front=110ms, back=24ms)
mad: 24ms via direct route
ord: 100ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=86ms)
sgp: 167ms via bom (front=110ms, back=57ms)
sto: 52ms, forced direct route instead of best triangulated route (36ms) via fra
tyo: 228ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=214ms)
vie: 27ms via fra (front=16ms, back=11ms)
bom: 110ms via direct route
cpt: 156ms via direct route
jhb: 190ms via direct route
lim: 188ms via direct route
scl: 217ms via lim (front=188ms, back=29ms)
syd: 289ms via atl (front=95ms, back=194ms)
pwt: 302ms via direct route
pwg: 199ms via direct route
pwu: 488ms via direct route
tsn: 281ms via tsnt (front=281ms, back=0ms)
Ping measurement completed
Communications with routing cluster 'pwu' have been disrupted.
Communications with routing cluster 'pwj' restored.
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
Starting ping measurement
Communications with routing cluster 'pwu' restored.
Ping measurement has been active for 5.0s. Sending what we have to GC
atl: 97ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=83ms)
dxb: 139ms via bom (front=110ms, back=29ms)
eat: 151ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=137ms)
gru: 228ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=214ms)
hkg: 201ms via bom (front=110ms, back=91ms)
iad: 85ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=71ms)
lax: 141ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=127ms)
lux: 19ms via fra (front=16ms, back=3ms)
maa: 134ms via bom (front=110ms, back=24ms)
mad: 23ms via direct route
ord: 100ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=86ms)
sgp: 167ms via bom (front=110ms, back=57ms)
sto: 51ms, forced direct route instead of best triangulated route (36ms) via fra
tyo: 228ms via lhr (front=14ms, back=214ms)
vie: 27ms via fra (front=16ms, back=11ms)
bom: 110ms via direct route
cpt: 155ms via direct route
jhb: 188ms via direct route
lim: 187ms via direct route
scl: 216ms via lim (front=187ms, back=29ms)
syd: 289ms via atl (front=95ms, back=194ms)
pwt: 301ms via direct route
pwg: 199ms via direct route
pwu: 490ms via direct route
pwj: 504ms via direct route
tsn: 282ms via tsnt (front=282ms, back=0ms)
Attempting connection to service in data center 'lux'
Requesting session from fra#116 (XXX.254.197.73:27022). Ping = 16+3=19 (front+back=total).
Requesting session from lux#74 (XXX.66.154.22:27016). Ping = 21+0=21 (front+back=total).
Selected fra#116 (XXX.254.197.73:27022) as primary, session 34f1c2d0. [Ping = 16+3=19 (front+back=total).]
Selecting lux#74 (XXX.66.154.22:27016) as backup #1, session 30ed548e. Ping = 21+0=21 (front+back=total).
Requesting session from ams#25 (XXX.133.248.34:27039). Ping = 14+14=28 (front+back=total).
Selecting ams#25 (XXX.133.248.34:27039) as backup #1, session 10e061a4. Ping = 14+14=28 (front+back=total).
Switched to backup #1 ams#25 (XXX.133.248.34:27039) as primary, session 10e061a4. Ping = 12+14=26 (front+back=total). [Previous primary fra#116 (XXX.254.197.73:27022): Ping = 101+3=104 (front+back=total).]
Selecting lux#74 (XXX.66.154.22:27016) as backup #1, session 30ed548e. Ping = 27+0=27 (front+back=total).
Starting ping measurement
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
Selecting fra#116 (XXX.254.197.73:27022) as backup #1, session 34f1c2d0. Ping = 16+3=19 (front+back=total).
Communications with routing cluster 'pwj' have been disrupted.
Communications with routing cluster 'pwu' have been disrupted.
Communications with routing cluster 'pwj' restored.
Communications with routing cluster 'pwu' restored.
Tried to look up command say as if it were a variable.
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_modify_target_b_g
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/backpack_jewel_paint_splatter
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/store/store_icon_tf
Discarding inactive session on lux#74 (XXX.66.154.22:27016). session_inactivity_timeout

C'est vraiment horrible ça me rappel quand je jouait avec 999 de ping constant sur CS:S mais en pire...
Réponse #8
Par Micky-Polak - 02/04/2017 08:52:07
Mais le problème est toujours présent, générant d'énorme lag et rollback quelque soit le serveur (hors ligne exclu).

En passant ma connexion est largement suffisante (mais je suis en wifi et ça passait très bien avant !)

Alors, reprenons depuis le début, faisons simple.
Tu as des lag et rollback uniquement en ligne. Donc c'est logiquement un problème d'envoi/de réception des données.

De plus, avec les commandes que je t'ai passé, tu as eu une bonne amélioration.

Je pense donc comme Regnam : le principal facteur à modifier reste le Wifi.
Il faudrait que tu testes avec un câble ethernet.
Si la box est vraiment loin, déplace ton ordi au moins juste pour faire le test, afin de confirmer cette théorie.
Réponse #9
Par Pample - 02/04/2017 09:19:23
Ok je peux essayer dans la semaine (aujourd'hui c'est pas possible)

Sinon j'ai une impression comme ça c'est que les lags arrive que quand j'ai uniquement ts et le jeu d'allumé, si j'ai internet ou autre y a beaucoup moins de lag j'ai l'impression...
Réponse #10
Par Micky-Polak - 02/04/2017 09:44:22
Sinon j'ai une impression comme ça c'est que les lags arrive que quand j'ai uniquement ts et le jeu d'allumé

En bas à droite du TS, quand tu es connecté à un serveur, tu peux lire le ping. Vérifie que ca tourne aux alentours de 30-60 ms.
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