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Index du forum > Counter-Strike:Global Offensive > Discussions > Quelques conseils sur comment s'améliorer
Quelques conseils sur comment s'améliorer - 0 messages, 1293 vues
1er message
Par flaviuse - 21/05/2018 15:08:35
Un joueur m'a demandé quelques conseils sur comment s'améliorer sur le jeu alors je lui ai partagé quelques trucs. Il m'a fait un retour assez positif plus tard donc je me suis dit que ça ne coutait rien de le partager ici.
Pour certains ce sont des conseils inutiles mais pour d'autres ça peut aider, donc à vous de voir. Par contre c'est en anglais:
Flav: In term of individual level, you have 2 part to be consistent it's your aim and your decision making
Flav: For decision making : what I do is watching pro analysis, it helps a lot, for exemple thhis guy on youtube "Elmapuddy" that do it in english. And second it's thinking about every action you do in the game most of the time I see a lot of people doing thing without any purpose. You need to think at what you want to do maybe you will take bad decision but it's better than random things. For exemple ppl changing position without any purpose is bad. Mostly in T side there is a lot of ppl completly lost due to lack of understanding of the game
Flav: The way I improved also is bcs I played as an IGL for some time so I had to think about the game mechanics rotations etc.. And one pb you can incounter in pug is that no one is leading so everyone is doing individual plays without shared purpose
Flav: For the aim part it's a lot about movement and crosshair placement you need to practice that in dm for exemple. Thinking also about wide peeking or shoulder peeking is important things like that
Flav: CS is a game that ask for a lot of practice time to get things right
Flav: when you had been 3 times in a situation vs 100 times you will beter react
Flav: looking at pro analysis from the guy may help you
Flav: in your individual plays
Flav: I advise you to try to take the same positionning on the map you play
Flav: so you can start to learn some "routine"
Flav: for example nadeking there is a lot of nades
Flav: But if you play in only one position in the maps to start you will not have a lot to learn as a ct
Flav: For learning nades
Flav: Search for pro players pov that play your position
Flav: and then look at how they play these position and with what nades and how they use them, why they use them
Flav: look at the taco video from Elmapuddy
Flav: it's great on how to use nades
Flav: for you crosshair placement you need to know at wich level the head. Most of the time, on the map design there are visual help
Flav: like lines on the walls
Flav: at hs lvl
Flav: It's all about, strafing, hs lvl and knowing your proper reaction time
Flav: : If you have realy short reaction time your crosshair will be more close from walls than for me I have an really average reaction time
Flav: Another thing is about being comfortable with your sensitivity, if it's too high you may not be consistent as well
Flav: when you play it as to be fluid
Flav: not like adjusting 3 times to be in target
Flav: One part is moving left and right to get your crosshair on the guy
tilting so muuch

Flav: Take the habit of giving info before being toxic and if you know that you are being toxic don't use your mic and take deep breath. If you are tilted just take a pause after the game it's useless to play in that condition. Try to play with your mates as much as you can. But don't take them responsible if things don't works at least you tried. It can be difficult but having ppl trying to be positive reduce a lot the potential toxicity. Ennemys can be better than you and too much ppl don't understand that so they start being agressive insulting and so.. Trying to have a positive mindset when you enter the game helps a lot
keygen': even when I get killed in dm, I tilt :p
Flav: ok
Flav: Do dm with only dgl
Flav: one tap only
Flav: and some calm music if you like it
Flav: If you achieve not to be tilted in this situation you will be much more focus in games
Flav: and just accept the fact that in dm you die a lot from behind
Flav: don't focus on kills
Flav: but in fluidity of you movements and aim
Flav: take a sheet of paper and when you die try to write down why you diead
Flav: is it bcs you start to spray instead of burst headshot, is it about your crosshair placement or bad movement...
Flav: Is it just bcs the guy had a fucking spawn behind you (we don't care about this situation :p )
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